Please join! “Created During Corona — The Post-Pandemic Art Expo”
Dear creative freelancer,
Collectively, we’ve stumbled into a fairly creepy and very surreal time.
I find solace in seeing how so many of us are (digitally) helping each other out. Outside — and frequently at appropriate distance — strangers seem to be more open for banter. We’re seeing the world in a whole new perspective.
I‘d like to support that positive energy. Not just with a much needed dot on the horizon, that helps me right now looking ahead. But just as much preparing for when the cogs of society start moving again.
Until then, I have no idea whether (and if so with what) I will earn my freelance fees. It’s a pretty shitty feeling. But there’s a bit of comfort in knowing I’m not alone.
And if I’m not alone in seeing my work dry up, then surely I’m also not alone in having time to create cool stuff.
That’s why, with all my heart, I would like to invite you to:
Created During Corona — The Post-Pandemic Art Expo
Location: Chateau.Amsterdam, Gedempte Hamerkanaal 139, Amsterdam.
Date: as soon as we can. More info to follow.
Are you a freelance writer, journalist, painter, art director, planner, designer, sculptor; an artist? Please, make a work of art during our quarantaine. A reflection of how you experience this time. A terrifying or comforting piece. A solipsistic or consoling piece. Strong or fragile. Big or small. Funny or cynical.
Make work that you have to make. Make work because you can.
As soon as possible, and with the help of people around us, we’ll sell it for as much as we can.
Will you join? Please send me your portfolio link + cell phone number and tell me in which medium you’ll be working before March 31st.
If you’re not that creative, or currently lack the band with: no problem. Feel free to forward this invitation to a freelancer whose work you admire.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in real life.
ps. Personally, I’ll be selling a series of pieces made with my daughter (22 months). Lily makes a daily illustration right after breakfast. Every evening, I add hand written diary entries:
In closing: keep the mind supple. Read books. And above all: make beautiful things.
Life’s too short to spend it binging. Even during a pandemic.
More info: or @sidneyvollmer.
Thanks to Delia Mennell and Remy Harrewijn.
Update April 3rd: we’re impressed by the great response. 32 Artists so far have signed up. We’ve decided to extend the call for submissions to april 12th.
ps. Would you like to donate and help make this exposition possible? Very welcome. Please e-mail me for my bank details. Bitcoin donations are welcome at: 1GL5Z5ZK1bLWF7pnjjmYh9fhkJzcdKX8jf